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Different Types of Charcuterie Board Designs for Your Kitchen

Kitchen appliances may be handy and beneficial when it comes to cooking efficiently. Cutting boards are one of these tools since; let's face it, nothing in the kitchen compares to the functionality of a decent chopping board. You can chop, dice, and slice various vegetables, fruits, dry fruits, and even meats with it. It's frequently used to clean salad greens and assemble sandwiches.

A charcuterie board design is one of the most often used kitchen tools, second only to a knife. While several electric choppers in the market can help you chop up huge pieces fast, many people still choose to use a chopping board daily. It has maintained its status as a more efficient and favored manner of cutting vegetables.

charcuterie board design

Chopping Boards Types

Plastic Board

Cutting boards made of polyvinyl acetate are generally accessible in markets nowadays if you're seeking a less expensive option that nonetheless produces the desired result. While plastic chopping boards aren't suggested for hygiene reasons, they are different since the surface prevents bacterial development. However, these are not inexpensive and usually are only advised for use in professional kitchens.

Wood Chopping Boards

Woodcutting boards are suitable for fruits, vegetables, bread, and cheese, while plastic cutting boards are better for cutting meat. While fruits and vegetables contain germs, the pores in wooden cutting boards are more profound than the crevices in plastic cutting boards, making sanitizing nearly tricky. It is why cutting boards should be washed immediately after each usage.' The 'end-grain' wood is more robust and resistant to cutting action. It also has a self-healing ability that makes its cleanliness aspect significantly superior to plastic chopping boards.

Rubber Chopping Boards

Rubber chopping boards are included in the same category as plastic chopping boards. Apart from being heavier and more expensive than plastic chopping boards, rubber chopping boards are no more hygienic than polyvinyl acetate. It is easy to clean and is beneficial to knife edges.

Glass Chopping Boards

These aren't practical. We're curious whether anyone uses it regularly. Glass chopping boards, regardless of how cheap they are, tend to dull your knife, and owing to the fragility of the glass, little pieces of glass can easily chip off with the assistance of the blade and mix in with the vegetables. As a result, using a glass chopping board should be avoided.

Bamboo Chopping Boards

These bamboo chopping boards are an excellent alternative to plastic or glass chopping boards. Bamboo is carefully selected for these boards depending on maturity, markings, and size. However, using bamboo on a board might harm the knife's sharpness since it is known to dull it, leading to fractures in its surface. Also, be aware of the chemicals used to prepare the bamboo surface for cutting.

charcuterie board design

Silicon Chopping Boards

Silicone chopping boards, like rubber, appear not to affect the knife's sharpness and are easy to clean. However, unlike rubber, silicone has a more extraordinary self-healing ability, similar to wood. On the other hand, silicone chopping boards tend to be heavier and more costly, further reducing their appeal.

Steel Chopping Boards

Steel chopping boards are also available in the market; however, they are less common. Steel, like glass, is more robust and simpler to clean; nevertheless, depending on the type of steel used in its production, it might wear the knives' edges and be noisy.


Every kitchen should have at least two different charcuterie board designs. One is for fruits and vegetables, while the other is for meat. However, no matter how clean your cutting boards are, you must replace them whenever they are noticeably worn down. It will limit the risk of cross-contamination and keep bacteria from growing in your establishment.

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