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Opt For Charcuterie Board Designs for Your Kitchen

A kitchen is incomplete without having an essential element which is known as cutting board. Do you know why cutting board is that primary tool for the kitchen? This amazing tool offers you a nice and safe place to chop your meals and to prepare your food.

There are several kinds of Charcuterie board designs that are available in several shapes, sizes, patterns and even colors. Before picking this board design you must know its functionality and utility. You should also consider what kind of cutting board you should use and the ones you should not.

What is your intended purpose?

Firstly, you should know the purpose what is the purpose behind you are buying that board design. And what type of food you will be preparing on your board design.

Charcuterie Board Designs

Wood – Wood is one of the best and most popular in cutting board design. This piece would beautify any type of kitchen and moreover you can easily chop or cut your meals on that surface. But this material demands for a bit of maintenance. Whenever it is in use make sure to clean it instantly and it is highly recommended to clean it with bit of vinegar mixing it with water and then cleaning it.

Also from avoid cracking your wood cutting board it is suggested to put food oil on it once a month and also keep away all the bacteria. So, this material demands a lot of high maintenance and cleanliness, but at the end nothing looks more stunning and effective in a kitchen as a wood cutting board, moreover it increases the aesthetics of the kitchen tools.

Plastic – Another material is the plastic one. Plastic is one of the most recommended cutting boards as they will repel the bacterial more effectively than the wood. There had been so many studies and debate about wood is better than plastic or plastic is better than wood, but talking about the maintenance level it is more quick and easy to clean. You only need to mix bleach with water solution and that will help to fight with the growing bacterial. Moreover, you can also put this plastic cutting board in your dish washer, it doesn’t matter.

charcuterie board designs

What Style Do You Like?

There are plenty number of styles you must opt for your kitchen like glass, steel, or marble boards. These boards are specifically for preparing the food like sandwiches, making dough and other stuff. These types of boards are very hard for you knives and could make your knife broken. But these boards are excellent for presenting your food especially sandwiches, cheeses and much more.


So to present your food and to cut or chop your meals it is highly recommended to opt for two cutting boards. If it is tough to decide which cutting board you must opt, make sure to pick charcuterie board designs that will easily fit in your space and make your work easier and effective. Rest the color, design; it should be all your choice what type of tool you require for your kitchen.

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